How Becoming An Expert Can Boost Your Beauty Salon Profits

When it comes to services, whether it’s hiring a mechanic or finding a good beauty spa, we all want experts. Someone who has a proven solution to our problem and not someone who will just waste our time and money.
With the rise of the internet and smartphones, beauty salon owners thought that it would make it easier to attract clients without the expensive newspaper ads and leaflets.
However, because it’s so easy to post on social media, it’s easy for EVERYBODY, and now EVERYONE is posting their work on Facebook, EVERYONE is putting their before and after pictures on Instagram, EVERYONE is advertising online. This means that your pictures and your posts are just getting drowned in a sea of content from competing salons.
How do you stand out from the crowd?
Renowned marketing guru Seth Godin gives a good analogy: If you’re driving down the road and you see a purple cow, it will stand out and you’ll probably stop to stare at it. But if all you saw were endless fields of purple cows. you wouldn’t think it was so special anymore and ignore them.
It’s the same for your would-be clients: They’re tuning out your ads and posts because they’ve seen it so many times before with your competition’s ads and posts.
Without attention, no business can survive, let alone thrive. Unfortunately, you’re not alone in your market. In fact, you’re a lone fish in an ocean of alternatives. So how do you stand out?
By establishing your brand as the obvious choice for those who want THE BEST SERVICE, you rise above the noise and sameness.
Now that you know why expert positioning is important, let’s go through some things you can start doing today to be seen as an authority in your field.
Position yourself as an expert.
No one is going to wave a magic wand and turn you into expert; it’s up to you. By shining a better and brighter light on what you already have, you can position yourself and your brand as an industry leader.
“But I’m no expert,” you say.
Sometimes this is true. More often, it’s not. Even after spending years in their craft and producing consistent results, most people are wary of standing up and asserting themselves as experts.
Mostly because people are scared as the pressure to deliver increases when you claim expert status. But if you’re confident you can get the results your clients are after, it’s time to own your expert standing and broadcast it to the world.
Train to become an expert.
If you feel you’re lacking in knowledge and skills to truly be considered an expert, invest in yourself by undergoing training with the best of the best, whether it’s hair coloring, eyebrow sculpting, nail art, etc.
Define your specific expertise.
Don’t be wishy-washy about what you do. Be bold and clear. Would you rather work with someone who says, “Well, I guess I help people, um, look better and stuff” or the one who says, “I am a natural brow expert.”
Turn your website or social media page into your expertise showcase.
Show off images of your work; feature testimonials, endorsements and success stories from clients and partners, highlight publications or events where your work has been featured; share your credibility story: certifications, degrees, years of experience.
Connect with success.
Expertise is like glitter: when you come in contact with it, you’re always left with a few sprinkles on your sleeves. You can gain the same respect and status by associating with authority figures in your industry: interview them for your blog, review their products or services, invite them to speak at your beauty spa.
And lest we forget, an added bonus of becoming a leader in your field: EXPERTS CHARGE A LOT MORE FOR THEIR SERVICES!
Becoming an expert is so important that it’s one of the first things I teach beauty salon owners when they join the TrueBrow community…