
The Number One Obstacle To Beauty Salon Growth & How To Fix It

Being a salon owner in today’s world isn’t easy: struggling to cover bills and pay your staff correctly. There’s the added pressure of cash flow being so tight.

Most often, it makes you desperate to get clients into your salon fast, so you offer specials and discounts.

However, resorting to discounting your prices isn’t the smartest plan. There are already thousands of salons trying to attract the same clients with the same discounts but also to no avail. The problem is there are too many salons in your area all feeding from the same pond.
I want to share with you a new, simple way to attract clients to your salon who don’t care about price.

You need to be an authority, the expert...

You will get clients that don’t care how long the wait is, how much you charge or even which staff member is doing it.
You need to set your salon apart from every salon in town.
Understand that every new client that comes to your salon has a problem which the previous salon didn’t fix. You need to learn more about that problem than anyone else and be the expert in that subject. Every time you do a consultation, the client is letting you know what their issues are with their previous salon.
It could be:
– The greys are not covered
– The polish chipped off
– Their brows were too thin
– Their tint too dark
– The other salon makes them wait

That is their biggest problem, and your job is to solve that problem, whatever it may be.
Solve it and you have a client for life…
I know for a fact that price is not an issue for that particular client; they just want their problem fixed.
Be the expert and fill your appointment book up with high paying clients. This will keep your team happy, your clients happy and of course it will keep you and your bank account happy.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to grow your beauty salon business, we’re ready to chat.