Build a Salon You & Your Clients Will Love
Owning and running a successful salon is not a simple task. It’s a complex and continuous dance of response to your clients, to the market, and to a culture that demands beauty. Your passion is to give your clients the very best you can, and to ensure your staff do too – easier said than done when you have bills to pay and deadlines to meet. Sometimes under pressure, salon owners can understandably not make the time to do the research, ensuring that the services and the products they are providing their clients with are the very best available in the industry.
You started your business to create and nurture beauty – in every one of your clients. You started your business for that look on their faces when they catch their first glimpse of their new look in the mirror – the sweet and sometimes shy smile of surprise and delight. You started your business to build a brand that both expresses your heart and brings in a healthy income. So when it comes to the services and the products you are offering your client – don’t compromise. Don’t fall for the quick fixes. Dig deeper, and remember why you opened your salon all those years, or months, ago.
Take brows for instance.
Your clients want beautiful brows, and many are looking for long term solutions to damaged or thinning brows. They might grow them in, only to have them ripped out by a professional, leaving them devastated and feeling helpless. For some of your clients, brows have become the bane of their beauty, and as you likely know, many women opt to do their own brows instead of entrusting them to a professional. This choice can be an understandable one, if you have seen some of the unintended results of poorly executed brow treatments. This is all due to a lack of education – both on the client and salon owner side. The gap in education in the beauty industry is so big, that even with the best of intentions, professionals are innocently choosing alternatives that have risks and not offering their clients – unbeknownst to both of them – what they can really have: their natural brows designed to perfection.
Providing miraculous outcomes is the key to brand longevity. Where other professionals are saying it cannot be done, TrueBrow is leading the way – training salon owners and beauty professionals with the skills and equipping them with the products to create authentic, natural brow beauty – freehand.
Beauty – and your clients – are your love. Do right by your love, and give them the very best you can. Before you offer another brow service to a client, take the time to learn more about the phenomenal potential of your own brow business. You may be offering unnecessary, even risky treatments, that may not only damage your client’s brows, but your brand as well.