How Brows Became a Permanent Obsession

Visit a local salon or day spa and you can’t help but notice the marketing materials regarding brows. Pictures of beautiful women with equally beautiful and tailored brows are displayed, inviting women dissatisfied with their current look to engage with new products and services in the hope of finding the ideal shape and style for them.
Why are brows so important to us? The impact of beautiful brows that complement a woman’s face is hard to overestimate. The brows are like the “foyer” of the face – a clean and shapely line can brighten, uplift, and draw attention to your most important feature: the eyes, through which we connect most easily with others. In this way the brows are the “frame” for the essence of you, shining out from your eyes. No wonder caring for them and enhancing their beauty is a concern for so many women!
Given their importance, it’s essential that brows are treated with intelligence, kindness, and care. However, some women, frustrated with their own brows and desperate for a more flattering look, may hear about the current “quick fix” approach and understandably be lured in. Salon owners and beauty professionals, naturally wanting to satisfy their clients and unaware of other more sustainable options, may settle for the quick fix approach as well.
Microblading, cosmetic tattooing… it’s not that these quick fix approaches are wrong. It’s that even those genuinely certified in these techniques may have not received any actual brow design training. Some of these techniques are permanent, meaning there’s no coming back from them. As brow artists, it’s essential to be able to work confidently with each individual woman and each individual brow. Brow design is not something to be stamped on a face like the latest factory model – brow design is a living art that works dynamically with the canvas of each individual woman’s face.
True brow counseling, and insight, is essential to fulfilling a woman’s search for brow beauty. Salon owners with a genuine interest in their client’s long-term beauty will educate them on all the sustainable options available. Brow Secrets International has developed the most comprehensive brow training in the world, providing salon owners with the skills, tools, and inspiration to help women truly make informed decisions, based on what’s best – and most beautiful – for them. The elite training program enables salon owners and their staff to greatly increase long-term revenues, while supporting women in their quest for authentic beauty, without risk or damage.