The Key To Living a Beautiful Life

“May your beauty within shine brightly in your life. ” – Elle Wilson
It is well known that I am totally in love with brows and in fact have devoted most of life to changing the brow world.
As the creator of the Natural Brow Restoration and Design System™ and the Brow Artists International Ultimate Brow™ I work daily with outstanding professionals around the world as they perfect these two incredible skills.
However, many of you may not know about a very significant time in my life when I began my deeper journey. Life gave me a few very hard knocks and I had to begin questioning everything. How I was living, loving and even down to the very core of how I was thinking. It wasn’t easy but believe me it was transformative.
This transformation changed my life. I began working intimately with women in workshops designed to empower their thinking and ultimately bring more meaning into their lives. Initially I worked with anorexia and bulimia sufferers and then later my group of women extended outwardly to all women who wanted to change their lives.
This time in my life was so rewarding and the woman in me that loves to evolve and ultimately to give is the driving force behind Brow Artists International. Brow Artists International is known for its outstanding training programs but also for its belief in the unlimited potential we have as women to be the very best we can be. Expanding the horizons, the hearts and the minds of our students and graduates is enriching for us all.
This love of sharing extends outwardly to each and every one of you.
I hope you enjoy the Brow Artists International blog as we speak about our love of brows and the quest for a more meaningful and enriched life.
Elle x