The Best Tactic To Incentivize Clients
World-renowned salon business expert Elle Wilson explains how to harness the collective power of your customer base by rewarding them with incentives.
World-renowned salon business expert Elle Wilson explains how to harness the collective power of your customer base by rewarding them with incentives.
I loved this episode because it is devoted to making a beauty business owner’s life easier, more enjoyable and rewarding. We all started in this industry because we were passionate about beauty and creativity. So, let me ask…
Yes, ratings and reviews still matter in 2021. While your Instagram is a great showcase of your technical results, reviews speak about results AND the experience, helping potential clients visualize having that same positive encounter with you.
When two of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs (both billionaires by the way) were asked to write down one word that they felt to be the key to ensure success, the word they both wrote was… FOCUS. Hey…
World-renowned salon business coach Elle Wilson talks about adding value to your social media posts by providing truly helpful content.
World-renowned salon business mentor Elle Wilson explains how to deal with your emotions effectively.
World-renowned salon business mentor Elle Wilson talks about “The Power Shift,” her best-selling book that topped Amazon charts in both US and Australia.
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