Salon Marketing Quick Wins, Part 1

No matter how great your salon is, if people don’t know it exists, you will not get the steady stream of clients you need to succeed.
The most important thing you can do to get more quality customers is to be memorable and stand out from all of the other salons in your area. Here are a few more salon marketing ideas to help you get more clients.
1. Get your salon listed on online directories
Did you know that more than 70 percent of people looking for a service will check online before stepping into an actual store? This means that your salon needs to show up in online search results. Make sure your business information can be found on third party websites such as Google, Yelp and more to ensure you’re not missing out on potential opportunities.
2. Contribute to local bloggers
Submit guest posts on popular beauty publications like Allure and NewBeauty. Should they accept your content piece, you’ll enjoy free traffic to your website and coverage for your brand.
You would be surprised at the local bloggers you may find and influencers who would love a guest beauty expert to share her expertise with her audience. Imagine becoming a regular guest on a local influencer’s Instagram or blog.
3. Form partnerships
Team-up with other local businesses in your area to give each other referrals. So if the fitness centre next door has a customer that’s looking for salon services, they can let the person know that if they use your salon, you will give them a small discount and vice versa.
4. Host a client appreciation event
Stage an event once a year where you bring your VIP clients together for a day of fun, relaxation, mini services, giveaways and more. Client appreciation can go a long way to establishing strong, lasting relationships.
5. Learn from the best
Follow successful industry leaders like award winning beauty educator Elle Wilson, and try to learn from their skills and accomplishments. Between their sales and styling techniques, there are so many opportunities for you and your team to grow!
Looking for more ways to boost your salon’s client generation efforts? Feel free to get in touch with us and let’s chat!