When To Fire A Client & How To Do It Right
World-renowned salon business coach Elle Wilson on when it’s better to fire a client than to put up with their bad behavior.
World-renowned salon business coach Elle Wilson on when it’s better to fire a client than to put up with their bad behavior.
By Michelle Bouse Every season, every cosmetic line adds new colors & trends. So many people say to me, “I’m bored with my look and would love to change it, but I could NEVER wear those colors they…
Happy New Year, Beautiful. In 2021 we are stepping this up a level. Why? Humanity is awakening. I know it doesn’t seem so and for many they will find themselves in deep struggle not only in their businesses,…
In this video, world-renowned salon business expert Elle Wilson recounts the slew of horrifying microblading mishaps she has encountered.
World-renowned salon business coach Elle Wilson explains why the values you inscribe are immensely important to how your business operates.
World-renowned salon business mentor Elle Wilson on the TrueBrow brand, who’s it for, what its goals are, and what it represents for the beauty industry.
World-renowned salon business expert Elle Wilson delves into the topic of how emotion management is the key to long-term productivity.
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